Women's Leadership Mentoring Program

The Chicago Women in Philanthropy’s (CWIP) Women’s Leadership Mentoring Program (WLMP) is a one-year opportunity that pairs nonprofit professionals with mentors and mentees. The WLMP has two cohorts, including one for Emerging Leaders and the other for Mid-Career Leaders. The WLMP strives to engage a racially and ethnically diverse group of participants from a variety of nonprofit fields with different types of job responsibilities, professional experiences, and career goals.

Emerging leaders

The WLMP will support 10 mentorship pairs in the
Emerging Leaders cohort during 2023—2024. This cohort
focuses on women in the early stages of their careers and
aims to foster individual professional development, build
peer networks, and encourage the ongoing leadership
development of women in the nonprofit sector.

In addition to regular 1:1 meetings and communication, each mentor-mentee pair is required to attend an orientation and goal-setting session, two professional development programs, and two peer-to-peer sessions (October 2023—August 2024). Participants must commit to meeting (virtually or in-person, when possible) or communicating with their mentor or mentee monthly.

mid-career leaders

The WLMP will support 10 mentorship pairs in the
Mid-Career Leaders cohort during 2023—2024. This WLMP cohort focuses on women who have reached a mid-point in their career and professional development and seek guidance on how to continue their growth and
advancement. Goals may cover a variety items, including
strengthening negotiating skills, managing within a
hierarchy, advancing equity and inclusion, and gaining
greater influence both on the job and in the philanthropic

In addition to regular 1:1 meetings and communication,
each mentor-mentee pair is required to attend an
orientation and goal-setting session, two professional
development programs, and two peer-to-peer sessions
(October 2023—August 2024). Participants must commit to meeting (virtually or in-person, when possible) or
communicating with their mentor or mentee monthly.
Mentees must also be members of CWIP.

Applications will open again in late August.


WLMP Benefits

Mentees have a chance to: get career guidance from experienced nonprofit leaders; build the skills necessary to take their careers to the next level; expand their professional networks by connecting with women who are guiding and transforming the nonprofit and philanthropic sectors in Chicago and beyond; and gain access to exclusive workshops and networking events.

Mentors have a chance to: “pay it forward” by sharing their expertise with emerging and mid-career leaders; enrich their own perspectives on the nonprofit sector and learn new skills and approaches by exchanging ideas with their mentees and fellow mentors; and develop new contacts and lifelong relationships by getting to know the diverse group of WLMP participants.


The WLMP strives to engage a racially and ethnically diverse group of participants from a variety of fields with different types of job responsibilities, professional experiences, and career goals.


Mentees: Young women in the early stages of their nonprofit careers (five years or fewer of work experience) who have specific needs in areas such as goal-setting and career planning, skill-building, networking, or navigating an employment or educational transition. Both CWIP members and non-members who meet these criteria are welcome to apply.

Mentors: CWIP members who have at least eight years of experience and/or senior management experience in the
nonprofit sector and a desire to support emerging women leaders in the nonprofit sector.

WLMP: mid-career leaders

Mentees: CWIP members who are at or reaching the mid-career stage of their professional development with over seven years of experience. Issues that could be addressed with a mentor include developing high-level communications skills; finance for the non-finance executive; board development and management; managing “up, down, and sideways;” and maintaining work/life balance.

Mentors: CWIP members with senior management experience and a desire to nurture the next generation of
executive-level women in the nonprofit sector.


Both mentees and mentors are expected to commit to two to four hours per month to the WLMP for one program
year (October-August). This commitment includes:

Setting jointly agreed-upon mentorship goals with your partner
Participating in an Orientation and Goal-Setting session
Monthly meetings with your mentoring partner (virtually or in-person)
Participating in two professional development sessions
Participating in two peer-to-peer sessions
Participating in the evaluation process, including the completion of online surveys and periodic phone check-ins with
committee members

WLMP Co-Chairs  

Bridget Hickey
WLMP Co-Chair

Michelle Patterson
WLMP Co-Chair

Shruti Saxena
WLMP Co-Chair

Contact us with questions
