Racial Equity & Social Justice Committee


Chrissy Gargano
Tasasha Henderson


The Racial Equity & Social Justice Committee was founded in 2016 and born out of a commitment and
passion for antiracism, racial equity, and social justice. Growing and evolving since then, our focus is
1. Providing education and information regarding antiracism and equity for CWIP members as
well as the larger Chicago nonprofit and philanthropic community.
2. Creating a space for BIPOC to be seen, validated and receive support, while white co-
conspirators learn, grow, and mitigate the impacts of white supremacy in their personal and
professional lives.
3. Providing the backbone and structure through which CWIP infuses antiracism and equity into
all that we do as an organization.

Educational opportunities for the general public
Trainings specifically for CWIP Board Directors and committee members
Leadership and learning opportunities for CWIP Racial Equity & Social Justice Committee
Subsidized training and workshops for Chicago nonprofit organizations

learn more about joining

Committee Events

We meet virtually on the 2nd Wednesday every other month

Make a difference with us.

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